What the?
Where the heck did my comments box go? Ok, granted I don't get a thousand comments per post or anything like that but, um... I would like it to at least be an option... I know that most of my 5 million+ readers a day don't leave comments because they are very busy, important people. They all call me though so it's nice to hear from you all, but please, I need to get back to work and you should SEE my cell phone bill! So text me from now on, ok?
I thought it was about time for a picture. More graphics! Give me more graphics!!!
Here is a rental property we own in Traverse City, Michigan. It's a sweet little victorian home that had at one point been turned into a duplex. One+ bedroom apartment upstairs and a two bedroom apt. downstairs. It JUST happens to be for sale if you are looking for a terrific investment property or an owner-occupied situation. It's listed at $235,000. A steal! Do you like the colors? That was me. :-)

And here is Traverse City in the fall...
Hey look!! My comments box is back! What the?? It will not show up for the genocide post no matter what I do... I guess it's a ... dead... link. Tasteless, I know. But I couldn't resist.
So how pathetic is it to leave a comment on your own blog? I talk to myself a lot too... I wonder if it's a related disorder...
Hi self...
Nice blog.
Thanks, I wrote it myself.
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