Yes, we can all certainly tell how well my new plan is working!
I've been posting every day. I'm such a good girl.
What do you mean there were no new posts? WHAT?! All that fantastic advice and life experience WASTED? But but but...
Yeah. About that. Too bad. I'm here now aren't I? :-) I've been re-doing a bathroom in a rental property next door. Which is the thing to do during show season when you are trying to run an apparel company...
Tile a bathroom.
Rob is home for all of 2 weeks and can we go camping? No. Can we go snorkeling. No. There was a sign at Home Depot today that read "Do it right or do it over." Ain't that the truth.
So how the heck did "ain't" make it through my spell-checker?!? I understand that the apostrophe is to replace the missing letter as in (do not = don't) or (were not = weren't) but what the hell is "ain't" all about? My smarty pants writer friend Lisa probably knows.
Other funny things I saw today... a bumper sticker on a truck that said
"Driver Carries No Cash - he's married"
I'm glad I think that's funny. I have a friend who would be offended by that little bit of wife-bashing.
On a COMPLETELY unrelated subject... I added Paypal to my website. So now all of you baby clothes shoppers can do an express checkout easy-cheesy.
Here is a little cutie sporting the style Cleo. Yes, I know she is standing on a table... I normally cut the models out, discarding the background. But here you see the "director's cut" as it were. Lucky you.
This picture is actually the basis for my August ad below.

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