Mother's Day is around the corner and I even managed to get something in the mail on time for my mom. This is quite a feat in my scattered schedule.
The girls have been talking about what they are making me at school. I can't wait to see the stuff.
So on Monday morning at 6:45 I groggily went to the guest bathroom in the hall to do the obvious, and looking up at me from the toilet bowl in the dim morning light, with a chilly and slightly embarrassed expression on its face, was a baby opossum...
IN my toilet.
Not thrashing around or hissing, just sitting there submerged like a little furry alligator with its forehead eyes, ears and nose just above water level. Looking at me with a half concerned but mostly uncomfortable expression.
My first reaction was, "Get the camera!" But it was fleeting because the little bugger looked so cold I thought I'd better get him out of there. Now I'm kicking myself because I could have had my photo op AND saved the little twerp because he had probably been in there for hours, what's 30 more seconds for a portrait?
Oh well. One of those regrets I will carry to my grave.
So I figured I could reach around the back of his neck and pick him up like a mama cat picks up her babies. He hissed a little but what could he do? He was in a rather calamitous position at that moment. He basically complied and I wrapped him up in a nice warm towel. He (or she) actually looked rather grateful. As grateful as a humiliated Opossum can look I guess.
Once safe and sound in a box to dry out for the day, he promptly did what his mommy had taught him and played dead. Rob remarked that he admired the dedication of a critter that could lay that still while fleas crawled all over its head... gross. The fleas had gone to higher ground and camped out on Opossum Head Island. I even noticed a tiny hammock and market umbrella by the left ear.
This is some other bloggers "Opossum in Toilet" picture and isn't half as good as the one I would have taken but at least she took one!

I'm so disappointed in myself. I usually don't miss an opportunity like that.
Now the moral of this story... to try and tie this incident, somehow to a business based blog... would be:
Don't overreact to a situation. (not screaming at the sight of the thing)
Take a calculated risk (reaching in with un-gloved hand to pick it up by the back of the neck)
Don't hesitate and miss a once in a lifetime opportunity (photo op)
Have compassion (Didn't flush the little sucker)
Keep nerves under wraps (The fleas on his face GROSSED me out big time but I stayed cool)
Have a great Mother's Day all you fabulous Moms out there. (That's just in case I don't get a chance to post again before then... I make no promises :-)